인터넷은 전통적인 미디어와 비교했을 때 더 많은 자유와 상호작용성을 누릴 수 있는 공간이라고 생각하기 마련이지만 인터넷도 forces of massification 아래에 있다는 것! 연구 주제 생각하기에 좋을 것 같은 문구만 발췌해서 쓴다.
현재의 드라마나 신문 등을 인터넷으로 보거나 다운 받아서 보는 현상인 멀티 플랫폼 추세와도 연결시켜서 생각해보면 좋을 듯.
Moving forward, it seems important that researchers make further efforts to move beyond the consumption side of the internet(i.e., how users navigate the online space and distribute their attention) and delve deeper into the processes surrounding the generation of content and how these content sources interact with one another (e.g., via linking). For instance, in light of the tremendous amoount of attention that blogging is receiving as an alternative to traditonal news media, we need to ask to what extent the links provided by bloggers are pointing readers to traditional news media sources? Similarly, we should investigate the extent to which the content populating sites such as YouTube is really "user-generated" content or simply content "ripped" from traditonal media (e.g., TV and movie clips). Equally important, how is audience attention distributed across these different content types? Is traditonal media content being consumed in greater or lesser proportion to its availability?
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